Active bets: 0 Ej bets and the rain falls! Rainmaker by Rainmaker Bets Profit: 142.4 units Bets: 298 ROI: 147.2% Hit rate: 73.2 Turnover: 302 units Avg odds: 1.99 Avg diff CO: 0Avg diff CO %: 0 Form: Deleted bets: 5 DashboardFull statsBets One week+0u One month+0u Three months+0u This year+0u One year+3.5u Three years+14.6u Since start+142.4u Bets 0000427298 Profit 0 units0 units0 units0 units3.5 units14.6 units142.4 units Yield 0%0%0%0%43.5%47.1%47.2% ROI 0%0%0%0%143.5%147.1%147.2%