Active bets: 0 My personal bets. My goal is to multiply the capital by 100 and hopefully even more later. Evergrande by Evergrande Profit: -0.7 units Bets: 3 ROI: 76.3% Hit rate: 33.3 Turnover: 3 units Avg odds: 2.19 Form: DashboardFull statsBets One week+0u One month+0u Three months+0u This year+0u One year+0u Three years+0u Since start-0.7u Bets 0000003 Profit 0 units0 units0 units0 units0 units0 units-0.7 units Yield 0%0%0%0%0%0%-23.7% ROI 0%0%0%0%0%0%76.3%