Active bets: 0 Match Of The Day by Profit: -8.1 units Bets: 81 ROI: 95.2% Hit rate: 55.6 Turnover: 171 units Avg odds: 1.74 Form: Deleted bets: 1 DashboardFull statsBets One week-0.4u One month-5u Three months-6.3u This year-6u One year-8.1u Three years-8.1u Since start-8.1u Bets 293410818181 Profit -0.4 units-5 units-6.3 units-6 units-8.1 units-8.1 units-8.1 units Yield -7%-27.8%-8.4%-31.6%-4.8%-4.8%-4.8% ROI 93%72.2%91.6%68.4%95.2%95.2%95.2%