Active bets: 0 Premier League - Germany 1 & 2 - Serie A - Spain 1 & 2 - Austria 1 & 2 - Denmark Superliga - Sweden - Finland - Norway 1 & 2 - MLS - Japan 1 & 2. Entry from 75th to 85th minute, game should be 0-0, 1-0, 0-1 of 1-1 at odds 2.0 or above. SDTrader Profit: 19.6 units Bets: 13 ROI: 215.4% Hit rate: 61.5 Turnover: 17 units Avg odds: 3.41 Form: DashboardFull statsBets One week+0u One month+0u Three months+0u This year+0u One year+0u Three years+19.6u Since start+19.6u Bets 000001313 Profit 0 units0 units0 units0 units0 units19.6 units19.6 units Yield 0%0%0%0%0%115.4%115.4% ROI 0%0%0%0%0%215.4%215.4%